Tuesday, July 19, 2016


My son Tom is a good kid. I know this because I’ve worked from home almost all of his life. I’ve picked him up from school every day, met his friends, talked to them, coached many of them…. I’ve been around a lot of kids for a long time. But Tom is getting older and I’m around him and his friends less often. He’s 13 now. He’s forging his own relationships. It’s no longer the ones that I oversee. The play dates are officially over. He’s out and about without my supervision … and that scares me a little.

Nowadays, I don’t meet all of Tom’s friends. Every now and then a new kids shows up at my door or in the yard with Tom and his other buddies and I watch. I think to myself, “Who is this new guy? Is he okay? Where did Tom meet him?” Sometimes I come out and introduce myself. I shake his hand. Look him right in the eye. You can tell a lot about a kid when you look him right in the eye. I can tell a good kid from a bad one easily—and I can tell a fake good one from a real good one almost just as well.

Well, every now and then, one of these kids is a fake good one and that concerns me. Those are sometimes more worrisome than the outright bad ones, because at least you know what you’re getting with those. Tom knows to watch out for the bad apples, but he may not know what he’s dealing with when faced with a fake one. I try to keep my eye on the fake ones as much as I can. I also ask Tom more questions about his day with guys like that when we get together. But as he’s getting older, he’s closing up on me. Not letting me into his life like he did in the old days. And I’m realizing I can’t be everywhere to protect him, text spy.

So let me tell you what I did. I installed a mobile monitoring app on his smartphone. It’s an Android device. I did it for a lot of different reasons.

Reason #1: I don’t trust his friends—especially the sneaky one. With this app, I’ll be able to see what they are saying to him on social media and in texts and emails. I want to make sure they don’t pressure him into doing anything he shouldn’t be doing, text message spy.

Reason #2: I want to make sure he’s not looking at hardcore porn. The spy app lets me check his browser history. I don’t have a problem with him looking at girls, but there’s a LOT of stuff out there a kid his age shouldn’t be seeing—and its easy to find.

Reason #3: I want to make sure he is physically safe and being good. The app let’s me pinpoint his location with the GPS locater so I can see where he’s gone. It also let’s me listen in on his surroundings by allowing me to activate his Android’s microphone. I can also snap a picture with his phone’s camera, phone tracking app.

Reason #4: I can make sure he’s not being preyed on or bullied or coaxed into trouble. The app will give me access to every email, text, social media account and more so that I can find out if a pervert is trying to send him sick selfies, or if a scammer is trying to get his money or information or if someone at school is threatening him online.

Look, you’d do everything in your power to check up on your son in person—wouldn’t you? The Internet is an extension of his life—one that is hard for you to access—and you need to access that section of his world in order to protect him. Extend your realm of protection with a high-quality spy app today.

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