Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Twitter Tackles Cyberbullies

CEO Jack Dorsey is tired of bullies. Cyberbullies that is. And he’s tired of them ruining the company he oversees: Twitter. That’s why he’s made blocking online harassers one of his major priorities this year.

It’s not just an issue of stopping meanies. Cyberbullying doesn’t just make people feel oppressed and unsafe, it clogs up the websites and turns off potential buyers of said sites. So, in order to thwart online troublemakers, Twitter is upgrading its mute feature. Soon, it will be easier for users to ignore haters, because the company is giving regular users the ability to mute negative notifications, words, and phrases.

But that’s not all!

Twitter is also empowering users with the ability to directly report those who violate the site’s policies with upgraded tools. These tools will also make it easier for the company to process complaints about the problems quicker, and help put an end to them faster.

To prove just how serious Twitter is about the issue, the company is retraining their entire support team in addition to the upgrades. Del Harvey, the company’s vice president of trust and safety, stated, “We've been doubling down on this since the end of last year. It’s a real priority for Jack and the company as a whole.”

This is great news for all users—not just those who have been personally persecuted online. How much of a success the endeavor will be, however, remains to be seen. The world is filled with haters, trolls, and bullies. There’s only so much a company can do before those bent on hurting people find another way to do so. That’s why it’s important that you as a parent do everything that you can in order to protect your kids from cyberbullies.

Cell phone surveillance software is key to cyberbully protection.

One such way that thousands of moms and dads are battling bullies is by installing cell phone surveillance software on their kids’ cell phones. They use it to see who is targeting their loved ones on social media. They also check their children’s texts, emails, pictures, and videos. You can too.

If you want to know what the best spy app is for monitoring your child is, do your research and take your time. There are a lot of mobile spy apps out there that promise a lot of things, but don’t deliver. Do yourself a favor and read any and all spyware reviews that you can, then choose the one that fits your needs.

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