Monday, May 23, 2016

Popular FAQs on Cell Phone Monitoring Software

While many parents have begun utilizing cell phone monitoring programs, some still have questions in regard to the efficiency of these devices and whether they are as effective as people are making them out to be. It’s definitely a difficult question to answer for those who are unfamiliar with these types of programs, but many people have been using this software for years now, for monitoring family members or even for keeping watch over company employees. It’s important for those who are needing to look into surveillance programs to feel safe in being able to go about asking the questions they have.

So what are some of the frequently asked questions regarding mobile spy software for android programs? There are a variety of different programs and software models out there. Some may simply be wondering what the differences between these different programs is. Others may have questions regarding what the law says about tracking a cell phone. These questions and others are what we are here today to answer.
Cell Phone Spying FAQs

Is it really spying?

Because of the stigma surrounding the word “spy”, some are wondering if what they are doing when they are monitoring a cell phone is really spying. The truth is that in a sense it is spying. The definition of the verb spying according to Merriam-Webster is “to watch secretly” or “to observe or search for something”. In these senses of the words, someone may actually be spying when they are monitoring someone with cell phone spy software. The question is really whether it is necessary. If a parent feels that they are needing to monitor the activity of their child, then they should feel free to do it. 

Is it legal?

The truth is that it is legal for parents to monitor their children, if they are under 18 and the parent is paying the phone bill. The parent can still use discretion as to whether or not they feel comfortable informing their child that they are monitoring them using the software. The important thing here is that, yes, it is legal for parents to monitor their children’s phones whose phone bill they are paying.

What’s the difference between the available programs?

The difference between the many available programs is sometimes quite substantial, but many of the available cell phone spy without access to target phone programs are actually quite similar. Some of these programs are more designed for those who are needing a program that is a little more sophisticated and has more features for them to use and choose from. Highster Mobile is a good example of these programs. Other programs, such as Auto Forward are designed for parents who may not be as tech-savvy but are still needing to.

Should I let my teen know?

 Finally, it is ultimately up to the parent as to whether they feel it is appropriate for them to let their son or daughter know that they are monitoring their cell phone spy software remote installation. Some may feel that this is in the best interests of everyone involved, while others may see the benefits of using the program covertly. Whether they choose to let their child know is up to the parent, and should vary with each individual case.

These are a few common FAQs regarding cell phone monitoring. There are obviously more questions out there that need answering. If someone has questions, Auto Forward would be happy to answer any that they may have. They can be reached at their number 888-254-7957. Overall there are a variety of good monitoring programs available for users, they just have to decide which one is right for them! 

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